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What is a counselor?

Two students giving the counselor a gift for Counselor Appreciation Week

What is a Counselor?

Counselors work with all students, school staff, families and members of the community as a part of the educational program. The role of the LCTC counselor is to help all students fully develop their academic, career, personal and social abilities.

What Do Counselors Do?

  • Advise students on school planning
  • Assist students in obtaining extra help
  • Provide personal and social counseling services to students
  • Connect students and families to resources within the community.
  • Assist students with career planning
  • Provide students with information related to post-secondary opportunities:
    • College
    • Military
    • Training
    • Employment

Why Contact a Counselor?

When you need assistance with:

  • School achievement concerns
  • School planning & course selection
  • Post-secondary planning (college, technical schools, financial aid, scholarships, articulated credit, dual enrollment)
  • Personal needs or concerns
  • Crisis situations
  • Family transitions (i.e. death, divorce, re-marriage, new sibling)

What Information Is Available?

  • ACT & ASVAB Testing
  • Career & Technical Training
  • Continuing Education
  • Employment Opportunities
  • Financial Aid/Scholarships
  • Internships
  • Military

When & How To Contact Us

Before school, during break, between classes or after school
During class – with instructor written permission
Referral by:

  • Yourself
  • Administration
  • Teachers/Staff
  • Parents/Guardians
  • Peers
  • Other Counselors

We are available to you from 7:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. every school day, Monday - Friday.   
Contact the Counseling Office by phone or email to schedule an appointment, if necessary.  
Phone: 573-346-9276 

Get to Know Your Counselor!